Booking Enquiry
Personal Details
Telephone Number
Postal Address
House Name / Number
Address Line One
Address Line Two
Town / City
Optional Comment
Thank you for your booking enquiry.
Your Booking Enquiry has now been sent to us and a confirmatory email has been sent to you.
We will be in touch very shortly to confirm your booking.
Please note that there may be a delay if you have submitted your enquiry out of office hours. In this case we endeavour to contact you as soon as possible after the start of business
We will be in touch very shortly to confirm your booking.
Please note that there may be a delay if you have submitted your enquiry out of office hours. In this case we endeavour to contact you as soon as possible after the start of business

About your stay
The Penellen in Hayle, Cornwall has 2 excellent rooms with en-suite facilities and sea view balconies.
Rooms start at £125.00 per night (based on a 7 night stay).
Please note; No children under the age of 8.
No persons under the age of 16 to share a room without an adult.
Rooms start at £125.00 per night (based on a 7 night stay).
Please note; No children under the age of 8.
No persons under the age of 16 to share a room without an adult.